Grass Valley ROBUSKEY

ROBUSKEY je video plugin pro EDIUS 6, Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro a Final Cut Pro. Je speciálně optimalizovaný pro klíčování lidí, akcelerace pomocí GPU v EDIUSu a Premiéře.

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645 € s DPH 524.39 € bez DPH
1-2 dni
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Popis produktu

ROBUSKEY je video plugin pro EDIUS 6, Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro a Final Cut Pro. Je speciálně optimalizovaný pro klíčování lidí, akcelerace pomocí GPU v EDIUSu a Premiéře.

ROBUSKEY for Video is plug-in for Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro and Grass Valley EDIUS. The plug-in was created in response to requests from creative professionals for a tool that would make it easier to cut out a background and create more visually appealing composites. Matting is possible even if the video is shot under non-ideal conditions, such as weak lighting, wrinkles or shadows on the background, or too small of a background. Matting work and time are cut considerably. The plug-in can be used not only when editing the video but also when actually shooting it.






Výrobca: Grass Valley
Kategória: Pluginy


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